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Showing posts from June, 2010

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Whack…whack…whack!!! I swung my hand with a rolled newspaper in my hand and my eyes watching an interesting game of football. Three matches per day for the next one month FIFA world cup 2010…snacks and cup of black tea by my side; I missed the cup of black tea by a ‘cm’ in one of my hand swing. 11:50 PM… Despite multiple swings…I kept hearing a buzzzzzzz in my ears and a few of my hand swings landed on my neck and cheeks… My two sense organs…the ear and the skin had an irritant; but the nose, tongue and eyes were on course for a great 45 min, 15 min and 45 min plus added time. The vapor from the tea cup tempted me to take a sip…soon my tongue realized that the cook in me had filtered a strong tea decoction that tasted bitter…need some more sugar!!!! To neutralize the bitterness, I munched a potato chip on my way to the kitchen. Two spoons of sugar and one more…the sip was a lot better. My eyes were in for a treat for the next two hours. The buzzzz was intermittent and my...