Sleep in the brink of the eye, Rested the folded arms in façade frame; Eyes drooped and the head rested in the arms, Intellect slowly turned cozy, I have a long way to go. Thud, the eyes open bright, Wage earner with a coffee cup pushed the rested arms, Courtesy a distant reverie, moved back to accept veracity: Intellect slowly turned livid, I have a long way to go. The wheels beneath sunk into potholes, The coffee cup churned to the wage earner’s dismay. Dispensed few mL on the floor and sipped a few more; dazed by the deed Intellect slowly turned belligerent, I have a long way to go. Few more draughts and a hasty look The coffee cup on the shuddering floor with no etiquettes Gooey from the coffee cup steeps the shoe Intellect slowly turned abstemious, we have a long way to go!